California Gazette

David Malcolm Shares Insights on Networking Beyond the Climb

David Malcolm Shares Insights on Networking Beyond the Climb

By: Maria Williams

Having spent more than five decades in the real estate industry, David Malcolm realized the immense value of networking long ago. He saw how beneficial it can be for those seeking new opportunities, climbing the professional ladder, or looking for new ways to grow early in their careers.

But does networking stop at some point in one’s career? Should it be something you no longer prioritize? According to Malcolm, the answer is no. Networking continues to be invaluable at every stage in your career. Even business leaders should prioritize networking.

In a recent Forbes article, Malcolm discussed the importance of networking even after reaching the top. Below are the main points he touched on.

Inspiration and Collaboration

Once you’ve reached the pinnacle of your industry, you can shift to networking with other leaders rather than meeting with those still aiming to reach the top. Often, those other leaders are in different industries, meaning they can provide insights you’d never even considered, inspiring you in many ways.

Furthermore, continuing to network means more opportunities for collaboration.

“I find others who are working on similar projects to mine, which creates the potential for collaboration,” said David Malcolm, San Diego Entrepreneur. “New alliances can amplify the success of those projects. We all accomplish more collectively than individually.”

Networking Aids Philanthropic Efforts

Malcolm has contributed to many fundraising efforts throughout his long career. And one of the ways to amplify these efforts lies in networking. 

“I spent 32 years on the board of the real estate arm of Father Joe’s Villages, a gold-standard homelessness organization, and four years as chair,” said Malcolm. “Father Joe and I regularly leveraged our respective networks and raised a significant amount of money for the projects we knew could help.”

Or suppose you’re in the process of trying to fill seats at a table for a fundraising gala. Your network can be the main source that helps you fill those seats. 

Of course, according to Malcolm, this process can be a two-way street. Those within your network will start reaching out to you to assist them in their philanthropic efforts. It’s a win-win for your network and the community.

Stay on Top of Your Industry

Finally, continuing to network during the latter stages of your career allows you to stay on top of your industry. By discussing these topics with your industry peers, you can keep a close eye on the latest trends, pinpoint how the landscape is shifting, and identify what technologies you should be aware of. Just look at AI as a perfect example.

“Today, artificial intelligence is a megatrend that every businessperson needs to stay on top of, especially as it impacts their industry,” said Malcolm. “What others are brewing? Ask the people who are asking themselves that same question.”

At the end of the day, Malcolm maintained, networking shouldn’t simply be something you focus on early in your career. Instead, it should remain a focal point throughout. 

About David Malcolm

With a five-decade track record of excellence in the San Diego real estate industry, David Malcolm is the President of Cal West Apartments, which has provided financing and homes for thousands of residential and commercial clients. Malcolm has also served in multiple civic offices and is a generous contributor to various public and private organizations.


Published By: Aize Perez


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