California Gazette

Music Review: Sun King Rising’s “One More Story to Tell”

Music Review Sun King Rising's One More Story to Tell

By: John Glover (MBA)

Sun King Rising, the brainchild of world-renowned genetic scientist and singer-songwriter John Blangero, has once again graced the music world with an evocative single, “One More Story to Tell.” Released as part of the highly praised album Signs & Wonders in late 2022, the single dropped in late ’23 and continues the tradition of genre-defying storytelling set to a rich tapestry of southern rock, country, and soul.

From the very first listen, “One More Story to Tell” immerses you in a vivid narrative about a musician who uses his lyrical prowess and musical charm to win over hearts and manipulate those around him. The track opens with the intriguing line, “The scent of a secret is floating on the wind,” immediately drawing the listener into a world of intrigue and deception. This mysterious tone sets the stage for the rest of the song, as Blangero’s silken words and white lies weave a compelling story under the lights.

The lyrical content of “One More Story to Tell” is rich with vivid imagery and metaphors. Phrases like “Metaphor and rhythm make you fair weak in the knees / Promises and miracles and mudflat symphonies” paint a clear picture of the main character’s charismatic yet deceitful nature. Blangero’s ability to craft such a detailed narrative within the confines of a song is a testament to his talents as both a lyricist and a storyteller. The song seems to tap into the southern noir tradition, exploring themes of sin, redemption, and the complexities of human desire.

Musically, “One More Story to Tell” is a masterclass in blending genres. The Southern rock influence is prominent, with twangy guitars and a driving rhythm section that gives the song a robust, earthy feel. Yet, there’s also a soulfulness to the track, thanks in part to the exceptional backing vocals provided by Stevee Wellons, Joy Brown, and Bernice Wilkerson. Their harmonies add a layer of depth and emotion to the song, complementing Blangero’s storytelling beautifully.

The instrumentation on “One More Story to Tell” is equally impressive. Steve Schuffert’s guitar work is both intricate and powerful, providing a perfect counterpoint to George Elliott’s steady bass lines and George Perilli’s dynamic drumming. The production team, led by Ace Acker and engineer David Granati, has done a stellar job of capturing the essence of the song, ensuring that each instrument and vocal line is perfectly balanced. The final mix, mastered by Brian Foraker, is polished and professional yet retains a raw, authentic feel that suits the song’s narrative perfectly.

One of the standout aspects of “One More Story to Tell” is its ability to transcend musical boundaries. While it is deeply rooted in southern rock and country, there are elements of soul and even a touch of blues that make the track feel fresh and innovative. This genre-blending approach is emblematic of Sun King Rising’s broader musical style, which draws inspiration from a wide range of influences. Blangero himself cites the literary genius of William Faulkner, the bluesy brilliance of George Gershwin, the blue-eyed soul of Elton John, and the funky rhythms of the 60s-70s Muscle Shoals as key inspirations. This eclectic mix of influences is evident throughout the track and adds to its unique charm.

“One More Story to Tell” is more than just a song; it’s a narrative experience. It invites the listener to step into the shoes of its charismatic protagonist, to feel the thrill of his conquests and the weight of his lies. It’s a testament to Blangero’s skill as a songwriter that he can create such a rich, immersive world within the space of a single track.

In conclusion, Sun King Rising’s “One More Story to Tell” is a captivating addition to the “Signs & Wonders” LP and a shining example of Blangero’s genre-defying style. With its compelling narrative, rich musical tapestry, and outstanding production, it is a track that begs to be listened to on repeat. Whether you’re a fan of southern rock, country, or soul, there’s something in this track for you. Sun King Rising has once again proven that he is a master storyteller and musician, capable of creating songs that are as thought-provoking as they are enjoyable. 


Published by: Khy Talara

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