California Gazette

The Art of Service: How Jeremiah Caleb Is Changing Lives

Jeremiah Caleb
Photo Courtesy: Timothy Sayre

Jeremiah Caleb has a story that inspires and moves people. His journey from an actor to someone who impacts the community through service shows that change is possible when driven by passion and dedication. Jeremiah, originally from Singapore and raised in different parts of the world, found his calling on the stage and in the hearts of the communities he served.

Jeremiah’s adventure took a significant turn when he visited India. This was not a trip across the globe but a journey that opened his eyes to the power of giving back. He started sponsoring the education of orphans and needy women, which sparked a greater mission in his life. This mission led him to write books and create a documentary called “COMING HOME,” showcasing his experiences and the lives he touched.

Moving to Los Angeles after getting married, Jeremiah found himself in the service industry. He worked in various roles, from bartender to manager at top venues. But it was the pandemic that became a turning point for him. It was a tough time for everyone, especially those in the arts and event sectors. Jeremiah saw this as an opportunity to help his community. This is where the Caleb Staffing Network (CSN) came into being.

Jeremiah used his connections and knowledge to create a company that could offer jobs to fellow actors and event professionals struggling during the pandemic. His vision for a supportive and positive work environment quickly turned CSN into a success story, partnering with some of the biggest names in Los Angeles’ event planning and catering industry.

CSN is all about helping others. Jeremiah named the company after the meaning of his name, “to be in humble service to others.” This philosophy is not just a tagline; it’s the core of everything CSN does. From serving at high-profile events to creating a community among its staff, CSN has shown that service goes beyond doing a job; it’s about making a difference.

Jeremiah’s personal story shows us how much we can achieve by helping others. He admits he was never a businessman by training; his life was about acting and writing. However, the challenges he faced in Los Angeles, the feeling of being lost in a big city, pushed him to create something meaningful. He wanted to build a community where people could unite, support each other, and find purpose.

This desire to help others was about creating growth opportunities, connections, and a positive impact on the world. Jeremiah dreams of changing the service industry in Los Angeles, making it a place where artists can find work and a sense of belonging and purpose. His story is not only about overcoming obstacles; it’s about how serving others can lead to profound personal and community transformation.

His novel, “In His Time,” offers a glimpse into his life, highlighting how sharing stories can help heal and inspire us. Jeremiah believes that sharing our stories can lead us to find our purpose again, just like he did with CSN. Jeremiah Caleb’s life shows us the art of service is about much more than helping others. It’s about creating a community, finding purpose, and making a difference.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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