California Gazette

RusRek – a Modern “Bridge” between Migrants in the USA and Businesses

RusRek – “Bridge” between Migrants in the USA and Businesses

By: Svetlana Nesmelya

Migrants have always been a large category of people in any country. This applies not only to modern times. Thousands of years ago, people collected all their things, took their families and changed their country of residence. Then the reasons were mostly primitive. Of course, it was the search for food and a quiet place to live. Ancient people often suffered from the raids of barbarians and predators, which prompted them to migrate.

Today, such risks are almost everywhere leveled out, but migration still remains a popular phenomenon. Why? Because old factors have been replaced by new ones. In particular, these are economic reasons. It is logical that people want to earn more to provide a high standard of living for themselves, their families, their children.

Some people are looking for a better place to live in order to realize themselves in their chosen field. For example, many athletes migrate from one country to another, simply because there are better opportunities for self-realization here. This also applies to programmers, developers, doctors, singers, and so on.

And, of course, another important reason is political. There is a huge category of people who are called “political refugees”.

Where do migrants go most often? No surprises here: mainly Western Europe and the United States. These countries have the highest standard of living in the world and, in general, social security.

But the United States left no chance for other countries in this ranking. The country holds first place in the list with 50 million migrants. Just imagine: 15% of US residents are people who came from other countries. The country that is in second place, Germany, has no chance of competing with the States yet: 16 million.

Why is there still large-scale migration? In particular, because of the conflicts that arise in Europe. The First World War and the Second World War are main points of this list.

Unfortunately, this list has recently expanded. The Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in 2022, was added to it. It provoked about 11,000 Ukrainians to move to the US in 2023 alone. And this is only the official data. There is no doubt that the real situation is even more impressive.

That is, migrants are a huge cluster of the US population. They are of great value to companies. The main thing is to learn how to properly interact with this target audience. RusRek is a platform that helps businesses do this.

The RusRek platform was founded more than 30 years ago. Before its appearance, no project in the US paid so much attention to the problems of migrants who had just moved to the country and were still adapting to new realities.

RusRek has several media resources that help the platform implement its activities. Let’s look at this list.

RusRek website 

This is a classic information portal, focused on Russian-speaking migrants. Expats can receive important news here and share news with each other. There is a communication function: visitors can make new acquaintances and communicate with each other on various topics.

In general, the blog is divided into four categories that are important for a migrant. These are economics, health care, news, immigration and crimes. By regularly visiting the RusRek website, a migrant can stay up to date with the latest events.

The portal allows visitors to find a provider of a particular service. For example, you can order repairs of household appliances or a house, cargo transportation, legal assistance, passenger transportation, and so on. Visitors can do all this without having problems with the language barrier.

Radio station (96.3 FM) 

The RusRek radio station performs one main function – Information. Listeners can receive important information regarding news from the USA and the countries from which migrants came.

Much attention is paid to the cultural component. Radio hosts talk about upcoming events that may be of interest to migrants. In particular, these are exhibitions, thematic conferences, sports events, film premieres, shows, concerts, and so on.

Those interested in health care system news will find a lot of interesting information here. Radio station RusRek pays a lot of attention to this issue. You can listen to useful information about certain areas of medicine, certain diseases and methods of their treatment. Radio hosts tell the latest news about US health insurance.

Printed edition 

This is what lovers of the classics will like. The good old newspaper! The printed edition of RusRek can be obtained in the New York subway.

RusRek: benefits for business 

Here are the opportunities the platform provides to American companies.

  • Comprehensive business promotion. Do you have a service or product that you want to popularize among Russian-speaking migrants? No problem! RusRek specialists know how to do it best.
  • Analytics. RusRek conducts its own marketing research at a professional level. You can get their results without spending your own efforts, time and money.
  • Platform for posting ads. You can place your commercial ad on the RusRek website absolutely free of charge.
  • Motivating stories. On the RusRek website, you can post the story of successful migrants. That is, those expats who have already successfully completed the adaptation procedure and are ready to share their own experience.

In short, if you need access to the target audience of migrants in the USA, RusRek will become a valuable assistant for you.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice. For immigration or legal services, consult a qualified attorney.


Published by: Khy Talara


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