California Gazette

Reform of the Department of Education: Trump’s Plan for Education in America

Reform of the Department of Education- Trump’s Plan for Education in America

By: Meridian Beverly Hills Investment and Legal Group

As part of his 2024 “Agenda 47,” Donald Trump outlines an ambitious plan to reform the U.S. education system, focusing on reducing the size and influence of the Department of Education, expanding parental rights, and promoting school choice. Trump’s agenda also emphasizes protecting free speech in educational institutions and fostering patriotic education. These policy proposals align with the broader conservative vision for education reform, seeking to decentralize control, give parents more say over their children’s education, and shift the curriculum towards a more traditional and nationalistic perspective.

Reducing the Size of the Department of Education

One of Trump’s key education goals is to reduce the size of the federal Department of Education. This proposal reflects a longstanding Republican stance, which holds that education should primarily be a state and local issue, with minimal federal oversight. Trump has previously expressed skepticism about the role of the federal government in education, arguing that it often creates more bureaucracy than it solves.

In Trump’s view, cutting down the size of the Department of Education would allow for more localized control of schools, giving states and individual school districts greater flexibility to design education systems that reflect their values and priorities. Critics of this approach, however, argue that federal oversight is essential for ensuring educational equity, particularly in areas like civil rights, funding for low-income schools, and the enforcement of standards across states.

Key Points on Reducing the Department of Education:

  • Devolving Power: Trump aims to transfer decision-making power from federal authorities to state and local governments.
  • Streamlining Bureaucracy: The agenda calls for cutting down what Trump sees as unnecessary federal regulations and red tape that hinder innovation and responsiveness in education systems.
  • Impact on Federal Programs: This reform could lead to the elimination or reduction of federal programs like Title I funding, which supports disadvantaged students, and other initiatives aimed at promoting educational equity across the country.

Promoting Parental Rights

One of the prominent features of Trump’s education agenda is his strong emphasis on parental rights. This policy reflects a growing movement among conservatives to give parents more control over what is taught in schools, especially in areas like sex education, gender identity, and racial history. Trump has voiced concerns about what he perceives as the overreach of progressive ideologies in schools, particularly regarding discussions on race and gender.

To address these concerns, Trump’s agenda includes proposals that would allow parents to have a greater say in school curricula, textbooks, and policies. This aligns with the broader conservative push for transparency in education and accountability from school administrators to the families they serve.

Key Points on Parental Rights:

  • Curriculum Control: Trump advocates for giving parents more influence over what their children are taught, particularly in subjects related to morality, ethics, and history.
  • Parental Oversight: The agenda calls for increased transparency in school decision-making processes, allowing parents to challenge and opt out of materials they find objectionable.
  • Opposition to Progressive Curriculum: Trump’s plan specifically targets what he views as the inclusion of progressive or left-leaning content, such as critical race theory (CRT) or discussions on gender identity, which have sparked contentious debates in school boards across the country.

Expanding School Choice Programs

At the heart of Trump’s education reform is his advocacy for school choice. This policy would allow families to choose where their children attend school, whether it be a public, private, charter, or religious institution. School choice programs often include the use of vouchers or tax credits, which enable parents to redirect public funding towards private or charter schools.

Trump argues that school choice will lead to better educational outcomes by fostering competition between schools, giving parents the ability to choose the premier educational fit for their children, and allowing disadvantaged students to escape failing public schools. His administration previously supported expanding charter schools and voucher programs, particularly for low-income families in urban areas.

Critics of school choice argue that it diverts much-needed funding from public schools, exacerbating inequalities in the education system. They also contend that school choice programs can lead to a lack of accountability in private schools that receive public funds, as these institutions may not be subject to the same regulations as public schools.

Key Points on School Choice:

  • Vouchers and Tax Credits: Trump’s plan would expand the use of vouchers and tax credits, enabling parents to use public funds for private schooling.
  • Charter Schools: Trump has been a staunch supporter of charter schools, which operate independently of traditional public school systems.
  • Equity Concerns: Opponents argue that school choice can worsen educational inequality by draining resources from underfunded public schools.

Free Speech in Schools and Universities

Trump’s agenda also emphasizes the protection of free speech in educational institutions. He argues that schools and universities have become hostile environments for conservative viewpoints, often stifling free expression in favor of more progressive ideologies. During his first term, Trump signed an executive order aimed at protecting free speech on college campuses, threatening to withhold federal funding from institutions that did not comply with free speech principles.

In his 2024 agenda, Trump proposes further measures to ensure that students and faculty are free to express diverse viewpoints without fear of retribution or censorship. This policy resonates with many conservative voters who feel that their views are marginalized in educational settings.

Key Points on Free Speech:

  • Executive Orders: Trump has already taken steps to protect free speech on college campuses, and his future plans aim to expand these protections.
  • Viewpoint Diversity: The agenda promotes viewpoint diversity in schools, ensuring that conservative students and faculty have the same rights to free expression as their progressive counterparts.
  • Academic Freedom: Trump’s policy emphasizes the importance of academic freedom and open debate in both K-12 schools and higher education institutions.

Patriotic Education

One of the distinctive elements of Trump’s education platform is the promotion of “patriotic education”. Trump has frequently criticized what he calls the “indoctrination” of students with anti-American or divisive ideas, particularly those related to critical race theory and systemic racism. In contrast, Trump advocates for an educational curriculum that emphasizes American exceptionalism, the nation’s founding principles, and its achievements.

In 2020, Trump established the 1776 Commission to promote patriotic education, as a response to projects like the 1619 Project, which examines the legacy of slavery and systemic racism in U.S. history. Although the 1776 Commission was disbanded under the Biden administration, Trump has indicated that he would reinstate and expand efforts to promote this version of history if re-elected.

Key Points on Patriotic Education:

  • 1776 Commission: Trump’s plan includes reviving the commission to promote a more traditional and celebratory view of American history.
  • American Exceptionalism: The agenda emphasizes teaching students about the greatness of American history, focusing on the Constitution, capitalism, and democratic values.
  • Opposition to Critical Race Theory: Trump’s agenda explicitly opposes the teaching of critical race theory in schools, which he argues paints a negative and divisive view of the country’s past.


Donald Trump’s reform of the Department of Education, as outlined in his “Agenda 47,” reflects a conservative vision for the future of American education. His plans to reduce the size of the Department of Education, empower parents, expand school choice, protect free speech, and promote patriotic education are intended to shift the focus of education away from federal oversight and towards local control and traditional values. While these policies resonate with his base, they are highly controversial and face strong opposition from Democrats, educators, and civil rights organizations.

As the 2024 election approaches, education reform will undoubtedly be a significant issue, with Trump’s proposals set to shape the national debate on the future of U.S. schools and universities.

Reform of the Department of Education: Trump’s Plan for Education in America
Photo Courtesy: Meridian Beverly Hills Investment and Legal Group

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Published by: Nelly Chavez

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