California Gazette

From Protecting Celebrities to Entertainment Icon: Steve Stanulis’ Evolution

From Protector to Icon Steve Stanulis’ Evolution_2
Photo Courtesy: Steve Stanulis

By: Factfullguys

Steve Stanulis, the CEO of Stanulis Films, has established a highly regarded career in entertainment, excelling as an actor, producer, director, and author of his eye-opening autobiography Sex & the Shield. His fascinating journey path led him from serving as an NYPD officer and Chippendale dancer to protecting top-tier celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West as a professional bodyguard, particularly during West’s memorable SNL appearance and high-profile events such as the Met Gala and New York Fashion Week.

Steve’s entry into the entertainment world led him to work with industry heavyweights such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Woody Harrelson, Robert Downey Jr., and Steven Baldwin. Today, Steve continues to make a significant impact in the industry with his latest project, the 2023 TV series Great Kills, where he takes on the role of Thomas Lynch. “The key to success is to never stop pushing your boundaries,” Steve shares.

From Protector to Icon Steve Stanulis’ Evolution
Photo Courtesy: Steve Stanulis

The Journey of a Diverse Career Path

Hailing from Staten Island, New York, Steve Stanulis truly exemplifies the spirit of a contemporary career mogul, making notable strides across various industries. After an injury led to his early exit from the police force, Steve continued his mission to help those at risk by moving into a security role, ultimately protecting high-profile celebrities. But Steve’s aspirations didn’t stop there; he ventured into acting, producing, and directing. His filmography boasts roles in I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, The Sopranos, and the recent series Great Kills. Furthermore, he founded Stanulis Films, which has blossomed into a prominent production company.

Reflecting on his multifaceted career, Steve highlights the value of learning from seasoned professionals, mentioning missing the chance to learn from industry veterans is like passing up the keys to success. In the same essence, he appreciates the guidance and support from mentors, colleagues, and clients throughout his career, spanning law enforcement, security, the silver screen and beyond. Despite his achievements, Steve maintains a humble and sincere outlook, noting, “While some may choose to focus solely on production, I’ve always cherished performing and continue to stay active as an actor.” Stanulis adds, “It’s not just about success; it’s about passion.”

Triumphing Through Turbulence

Steve Stanulis’ path through the entertainment industry has been a whirlwind of peaks and valleys, yet he has managed to create a significant presence amid the turmoil. Working closely with numerous celebrities, Steve’s former role as a bodyguard immersed him in the intense world surrounding them. These experiences tested his resilience and provided him with unique insights and stories, sparking his ambition to create a documentary that unveils the hidden dynamics of celebrity life.

Though facing numerous controversies head-on, Steve has undeniably left his imprint on the entertainment world. Leveraging the power of the digital age, including the internet and social media platforms, he has built a vast audience of millions who eagerly follow his remarkable journey. This digital reach has allowed Steve to share his experiences broadly, where he today motivates aspiring talents to stay persistent and highlights the importance of being resilient.

Beyond The Screen

In summary, Steve Stanulis’ work on Great Kills and other projects like Monica and 15 Days with Kanye continue to garner significant acclaim from all corners. Now branching out into new territories, Stanulis has since ventured into podcasting with Screw The Clout. This collaborative effort with Bleav offers listeners an exclusive, behind-the-scenes glimpse into the many facets of the entertainment industry. In addition, Steve has launched Steve Stanulis Coaching, a platform leveraging his lived and learned experiences industry-wide to empower others to achieve success.

Moving forward, Steven’s philosophy stays steady with his guiding principle, “If you dream, dream out loud.” Every move he makes aims to achieve milestones to motivate others to never let an opportunity pass by. To Steven, every opportunity is a chance for growth, a chance for learning, and a chance to leave a meaningful mark.

Follow Steve on Instagram.


Published by: Martin De Juan

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