California Gazette

Puerto Rico’s Economic Revival: Tony Delgado’s Tech-Driven Vision

Tony Delgado Puerto Rico's Economic Revival
Photo Courtesy: Tony Delgado (@tonydelgado)

In 2017, Puerto Rico faced one of the most devastating natural disasters in its history when Hurricane Maria tore through the island, leaving widespread destruction in its wake. Amidst the power outages, food shortages, and crippled infrastructure, tech entrepreneur Tony Delgado saw an opportunity to make a difference. What began as a humanitarian effort—handing out solar lights and helping to rebuild homes—quickly evolved into something larger: a mission to revitalize Puerto Rico’s economy through tech and innovation.

Delgado, who had already built a successful career in digital marketing and tech, decided to relocate to Puerto Rico full-time to focus on empowering the island’s people through education, entrepreneurship, and technology. By founding Disrupt University, an online learning platform focused on teaching digital skills and entrepreneurship, Delgado is at the forefront of a movement to reshape Puerto Rico’s economic landscape.

Why Technology Holds the Key

Tony Delgado’s approach to economic recovery centers around digital entrepreneurship. For Delgado, the internet offers endless opportunities, especially in a place like Puerto Rico, where traditional job markets have been severely impacted. His belief is simple yet powerful: with the right skills and access to technology, anyone can build a business that transcends geographic limitations.

“Puerto Rico has the potential to become a digital hub,” Delgado explains. “The island has an untapped talent pool, and with the right education and tools, we can create an ecosystem that encourages tech innovation and economic independence.”

Delgado’s vision includes turning Puerto Rico into a center for tech startups and digital businesses, enabling residents to create financial independence without needing to leave the island. This is a significant focus for Delgado, as he is passionate about stopping the “brain drain” that has seen thousands of talented young Puerto Ricans move abroad in search of better opportunities.

Disrupt University: A New Model for Economic Growth

One of the cornerstones of Delgado’s strategy is Disrupt University, a platform designed to teach young Puerto Ricans the digital skills necessary to succeed in the modern economy. 

Courses offered range from coding and app development to digital marketing and e-commerce. 

More importantly, Disrupt University’s model focuses on practical applications—students learn not only how to code or build a website but also how to market their skills, build businesses, and create multiple streams of income.

Delgado’s approach is about more than just education; it’s about empowerment. “We’re not just teaching people skills; we’re teaching them how to take control of their financial futures,” Delgado says. “The beauty of the internet is that it doesn’t matter where you live. With a good internet connection and the right knowledge, you can build a business that serves a global audience”​.

This emphasis on financial independence is a critical part of his plan to help Puerto Ricans rebuild after the devastation of Hurricane Maria. By providing the tools and knowledge to create online businesses, Disrupt University gives students the opportunity to potentially generate income, regardless of the challenges posed by Puerto Rico’s struggling traditional economy.

The Broader Vision: Puerto Rico as a Tech Hub

While Delgado’s work with Disrupt University is focused on education, his broader goal is to turn Puerto Rico into a global tech hub. One of his most ambitious projects is Disrupt Week, a seven-day festival that brings together tech leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors to share their knowledge and resources with Puerto Rico’s rising tech community. Modeled after SXSW, Disrupt Week offers workshops, talks, and networking opportunities designed to spark innovation and inspire the next generation of tech entrepreneurs​.

Delgado has also forged partnerships with local universities and organizations to provide scholarships and free tickets to Disrupt Week, ensuring that the island’s youth can benefit from these unique opportunities. “We want to make sure that no one is left out,” Delgado explains. 

“We’re creating a culture of disruption and innovation that will benefit Puerto Rico for years to come.”

A Movement to Keep Talent in Puerto Rico

One of the most significant issues Delgado aims to address is the loss of talent from Puerto Rico, also known as brain drain. Since the economic crisis and Hurricane Maria, thousands of young professionals have left the island in search of better economic opportunities. Delgado’s vision is to create a thriving digital economy that offers these professionals a reason to stay.

“I want to show people that they don’t have to leave Puerto Rico to succeed,” Delgado says. 

“There are enormous opportunities right here on the island if we create the right infrastructure. The tech sector is booming globally, and Puerto Rico has the potential to be a major player”.

Tony Delgado’s work is about more than just building businesses; it’s about rebuilding a community and offering hope for a better economic future. Through initiatives like Disrupt University and Disrupt Week, Delgado is equipping Puerto Rico’s youth with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in the global digital economy. His mission is clear: to transform Puerto Rico into a technology and innovation hub, ensuring that its people have the opportunities and resources to succeed on their terms.

With his bold vision and hands-on approach, Delgado is proving that Puerto Rico’s future doesn’t have to rely on traditional industries or external aid. Instead, it can be built from the ground up by a new generation of tech entrepreneurs who understand the power of the digital economy.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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