California Gazette

Amber Singleton Delivering Life-Changing Financial Education and Empowerment to Start-ups

Life comes in stages, and for everyone in an undesirable stage of their life at any point in time, the proper steps can make all the difference for them. This applies to financial turnaround and success, as many people have changed their fortunes after a series of steps and strategies. The only catch is knowing the proper steps to take and how to apply the right strategies. Amber Singleton has helped people realize their dreams and get their finances in order at Finland Financial Inc. Additionally, she is a top west coast realtor operating in Southern California through Amber Sells Homes 4 U.

For over ten years, Amber Singleton has been operating multiple businesses, building her brand and sharing her journey as she progressed. She is passionate about seeing people win and teaching them how to build wealth and help CEOs nationwide climb the business ladder. Being a single mother of two children was all the motivation she needed to work tirelessly to build her brand. There was a lot at stake and she knew that her children depended on her, and she was not going to let anything stand in her way. So she got into real estate through Amber Sells Homes 4 U and began her financial advisory journey with Finland Financial Inc.

Amber Sells Homes 4 U targets real estate investors and clients looking for the best commercial and residential real estate in Southern California. She has also developed a system to assist her clients in finding the best deals and closings within the real estate market, as well as providing an onboarding system to new prospects within the real estate industry. She is also developing a mobile application to provide clients with an overview of their business transactions in real-time, which will expedite document uploading and simplifying the transaction process. Amber’s success in the business world can be attributed to her adaptability and honesty. “I take away emotion and decide what is best for my clients. For success to occur, one has to be aggressive yet soft and approachable. I keep my clients in the loop of things to make sure everyone is informed, and we all win,” Amber said.

Amber Singleton’s goal is to reach the top of the industry, something she has done with her husband for years. Building a business empire with her family is one of her biggest motivations, and she remains committed to making sure all their businesses grow into multimillion-dollar enterprises. “The desire and ambition to be the very best and reach the top of the echelon within my field,” she said. Over the next few years, she hopes to partner with failing business owners and help them turn their businesses around into profitable businesses. “Over the next few years, I want to see small business owners become top CEOs and multimillionaires. On this journey, I have lost a lot and learned a lot, and I expect everyone to have the same mindset and be ready for anything. You will hit roadblocks; just go around, and you will be fine,” she said.

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