California Gazette

Empowering Women Leaders: Insights from Esther and Ruth by Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

In an era where leadership is constantly being redefined, the stories of Esther and Ruth, as interpreted by Dr. Sarah Sun Liew, emerge not merely as tales from the past (3)

In an era where leadership is constantly being redefined, the stories of Esther and Ruth, as interpreted by Dr. Sarah Sun Liew, emerge not merely as tales from the past but as beacons guiding the way for contemporary women leaders. These narratives, rich with themes of courage, strategic thinking, and loyalty, provide more than just historical or religious insights; they offer a template for navigating the challenges of today’s leadership landscape with grace and determination.

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew’s seminal work, “Guidance from the Past, Vision for the Future: Biblical Leadership in Today’s World,” serves as a crucial intersection between ancient biblical principles and modern-day leadership challenges. Dr. Liew bridges millennia-old wisdom with contemporary professional environments through her detailed analysis within this publication and her extensive involvement with Global Jesus Mission Church, empowering business leaders for Kingdom impact.

In an era where leadership is constantly being redefined, the stories of Esther and Ruth, as interpreted by Dr. Sarah Sun Liew, emerge not merely as tales from the past (2)
Photo Courtesy: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

Esther’s story is emblematic of how strategic courage can bring about significant change, even against formidable odds. Her ability to assert influence without formal authority in a patriarchal setting underscores a vital lesson for today’s women leaders: the power of strategic advocacy and timing. Esther exemplifies that leadership often involves making courageous decisions at pivotal moments.

Conversely, Ruth’s narrative highlights resilience, loyalty, and the willingness to embrace new beginnings. Her proactive approach to supporting Naomi and integrating herself into Boaz’s fields showcases an entrepreneurial spirit that resonates deeply with modern leadership ethos. Ruth teaches individuals that true leadership lies in creating opportunities not just for oneself but also for others.

In an era where leadership is constantly being redefined, the stories of Esther and Ruth, as interpreted by Dr. Sarah Sun Liew, emerge not merely as tales from the past
Photo Courtesy: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

The parallels between Esther and Ruth’s journeys and the obstacles faced by women in leadership roles today are striking. From combating gender biases to overcoming societal expectations and self-doubt, their stories act as blueprints for confronting such challenges with integrity and resilience. 

A critical takeaway from both narratives is the importance of community and mentorship in achieving success. Esther’s bond with Mordecai and Ruth’s relationship with Naomi underlines the importance of mentors who can offer guidance and support. In today’s context, this translates into building robust networks of allies who can encourage one’s professional journey.

Dr. Liew personifies these values through her multifaceted career-spanning roles such as a senior pastor, educator, real estate investor/broker, entrepreneur, and now a political candidate running for U.S. Senate under the Republican banner. Her diverse experience across sectors demonstrates her dynamic approach to leadership—a blend of faith-driven purpose and pragmatic strategy aimed at empowering communities.

Her commitment to mentoring young leaders while advocating for diversity and inclusion mirrors the virtues displayed by Esther and Ruth. Through her various platforms—be it leading nonprofit organizations or imparting knowledge at academic institutions—Dr. Liew continues to foster environments where future leaders can thrive.

As Dr. Sarah Sun Liew steps into the political arena, aiming to address issues like poverty prevention and justice reform, her journey reflects a broader narrative on women’s empowerment in leadership roles across different domains.

In an era where leadership is constantly being redefined, the stories of Esther and Ruth, as interpreted by Dr. Sarah Sun Liew, emerge not merely as tales from the past bu
Photo Courtesy: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

The enduring wisdom drawn from Esther and Ruth’s stories combined with Dr. Liew’s contemporary application of these principles provides invaluable insights into leading effectively amidst modern complexities.

Moreover, Dr. Liew’s diverse educational background, including studies at prestigious institutions like Harvard Business School, illustrates her dedication to continuous learning—an essential trait for any leader wishing to effectively navigate today’s rapidly evolving world. Thus, engaging with Dr. Liew’s work offers inspiration and practical strategies that equip current leaders—regardless of gender—to lead confidently.


Published by: Khy Talara


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