California Gazette

The Magic of Everyday: A Look into “Absolutely, Princess”

The Magic of Everyday A Look into Absolutely, Princess
Photo Courtesy: Mayra L Santana

By: Jason Gerber

In our moving daily lives, it’s all too common to miss out on the simple pleasures—particularly those experienced through a child’s perspective.

Absolutely, Princessby Mayra L. Santana is a charming children’s book that presents overlooked moments in the life of a young girl named Ella and her loving father as they prepare for a royal birthday party.

The Essence of Childhood

The narrative of “Absolutely, Princess” centers around preparations for a quintessentially childlike birthday party. The interactions between Ella and her father are filled with the pure joy and excitement of doing something special. It’s not just about attending a party but about shared moments between a father and daughter.

This book captures the essence of childhood through these preparations—from choosing the perfect dress to finding a lost shoe. Each task is simple yet significant, reflecting the real-life moments between parents and children that often go unnoticed but are filled with profound love and connection.

A Celebration of Parental Bonds

What sets “Absolutely, Princess” apart is its focus on the parental bond. The repeated line, “Absolutely, Princess,” spoken by Ella’s father as he assists her, doesn’t just affirm his willingness to help; it affirms his love and support. This phrase symbolizes parents’ nurturing and affirming role in their children’s lives. It highlights the importance of patience and attention in parenting, showing that it’s the little things—a comforting word, a helping hand—that build the foundation of a child’s emotional and social development.

A Tool for Learning

For young readers, “Absolutely, Princess” is a tool for learning. The narrative structure, with its repetitive and rhythmic phrases, aids in literacy development by making it easier for children to follow along and predict text. This predictability not only makes reading enjoyable but also empowering. Children feel accomplished when they can anticipate the words on the next page, reinforcing their desire to read.

Inspiring Creativity and Imagination

Beyond reading, “Absolutely, Princess” encourages children to use their imagination. It opens up a world where every child can be a princess or prince in their own story. Children are inspired to think creatively and play out their fantasies by engaging with the story. This imaginative play is crucial for cognitive development, as it allows children to experiment with the social and emotional roles of life.

Designed for Interactive Reading

Absolutely, Princess” is an excellent pick for parent-child reading sessions. It invites conversation and interaction, which are critical to a child’s development. Parents can ask questions about the story, encourage children to describe their experiences and discuss the characters’ emotions. This interaction deepens the reading experience and enhances comprehension skills while also providing a beautiful way for families to spend quality time together.

The Joy of Simplicity

In today’s world, where children’s lives are often hurried and structured, “Absolutely, Princess” serves as a gentle reminder of the beauty of simplicity. The story encourages readers to find joy in simple acts and everyday routines. It teaches that happiness doesn’t always come from grand events or expensive toys but often from the love and laughter shared with family.

A Timeless Message

Absolutely, Princess” by Mayra L. Santana carries a timeless message that resonates with every reader—child or adult. The themes of love, family, and the appreciation of the small moments are universal. This book doesn’t just belong on a child’s bookshelf; it belongs in the collection of every reader who values the essence of family and childhood innocence.


Absolutely, Princess” by Mayra L. Santana is a pause button for the hustle and bustle of life, reminding us of the preciousness of childhood and the importance of nurturing our relationships with the young ones in our lives. Whether you are a parent, educator, or simply a lover of fine storytelling, this book offers something valuable. 

It’s a story that warms the heart and soothes the soul, encouraging everyone to rediscover and cherish the simple joys around us. So take a moment, turn the pages with a child you love, and let “Absolutely, Princess” remind you of life’s magic every day.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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