California Gazette

Scott Crockett’s Entrepreneurial Mindset for Success

Scott Crockett’s Entrepreneurial Mindset for Success

By: Maria Williams

Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Sara Blakely, Steve Jobs, Indra Nooyi, and Oprah Winfrey are some of the world’s most successful business leaders. They are associated with well-established and successful companies and brands such as Amazon, Virgin Group, Spanx, Apple, PepsiCo, and The Oprah Winfrey Show/Harpo Productions.

Yet, there was a time when these bigger-than-life leaders were just starting out. Each of their stories is unique in its own way, but according to Scott Crockett, Everest Business Funding CEO, they all have one thing in common that led to their success: their entrepreneurial mindset.

The Essence of the Entrepreneurial Mindset

“To succeed in business, one must have an idea, the desire to work to see the project through, working capital, and a lot of luck. But even if someone had all of those things, they wouldn’t likely succeed long-term if they didn’t have the entrepreneurial mindset,” Scott Crockett of Everest Business Funding says.

People with an entrepreneurial mindset can identify and seize opportunities, navigate challenges, learn from their failures, and grow. 

Scott Crockett knows this well. In his more than twenty-year career in consumer and commercial finance, he has raised over $250 million in capital and created thousands of jobs.

People who want to succeed in business can foster this success by adopting an entrepreneurial mindset — whether launching a new startup or climbing the corporate ladder.

Embrace Individuality

But where should one start in this realm?

According to Crockett, anyone wishing to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset must embrace their individuality. While it’s great to read about some of the successful entrepreneurs listed above and model behaviors around what made them successful, it’s equally important to accept and embrace one’s unique traits and gifts.

In this way, entrepreneurs will be able to create their unique selling point, which will make them stand out from the rest. This will then help guide them as they march toward success.

Build a Supportive Network

Along the way, Scott Crockett highlights that budding entrepreneurs must also surround themselves with supportive and positive people. While it’s never good to surround oneself with “yes people,” it’s also advisable to avoid negative people as much as possible.

Embrace Fear and Continued Learning

Starting a new venture can sometimes be scary, but adopting the entrepreneurial mindset means embracing this fear and harnessing its power. “Don’t be afraid to fail,” says Scott Crockett, Everest Business Funding CEO. “Instead, accept that failure is a part of starting a business and that many lessons can be learned from it.”

Entrepreneurs should also constantly seek to learn. When people are willing to learn, they enable themselves to grow and improve.

According to Crockett, when people open their minds in this way, they ensure that their eyes are always open—that they don’t miss genuine opportunities or red flags that can lead to catastrophe.

And when this happens, entrepreneurs are better able to seize these opportunities and navigate whatever challenges come their way.

About Scott Crockett

Scott Crockett is the founder and CEO of Everest Business Funding. He is a seasoned professional with 20 years of experience in the finance industry. Mr. Crockett’s track record includes raising over $250 million in capital and creating thousands of jobs. Scott has founded, built, and managed several finance companies in the consumer and commercial finance sectors.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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