California Gazette

Jason D. Harris: From Beating the Odds to Beat School with Mr. J

Jason D. Harris Beating the Odds to Beat School with Mr. J
Photo Courtesy: Jason D. Harris

By: Seraphina Quinn

In the vibrant music scene of Los Angeles, few artists blend soulful melodies with socially conscious messages as effectively as Jason D. Harris. His recent performance at Hotel Cafe in Los Angeles left the audience in awe, as his deeper mission around “Beat School with Mr. J” sets him apart—using music to educate and uplift the next generation, much like he did for himself growing up in St. Louis.

Crafting His Sound and Message

Jason D. Harris’s journey from the streets of St. Louis to the bright lights of Los Angeles is a testament to his persistence and passion for music. With over 15 years of experience as a professional sound engineer for artists like Kid Cudi, Ledisi, and Jennifer Lopez, Harris has refined his craft while staying true to his roots. Through his independent label, Mind of the Noise Records, he has released over 90 socially conscious songs, each delivering a unique perspective around healing, resilience, and redemption.

His latest album, American Detox Vol.1, invites listeners to investigate and release life’s challenges, providing encouragement and understanding through heartfelt lyrics and rhythms. For Jason, music isn’t just sound—it’s self-expression, a tool for healing and navigating life’s complexities.

Standing High on LA Stages

Jason D. Harris is no stranger to the stages of Los Angeles, and his recent performance at the historic Hotel Cafe stands out as a highlight. Originally opened in 2000 as a coffee shop by two aspiring screenwriters, the venue quickly gained fame as a launching pad for stars on the rise like Brandy, John Mayer, Katy Perry, and the legendary Mac Miller.

Jason D. Harris Beating the Odds to Beat School with Mr. J
Photo Courtesy: Jason D. Harris

In this legendary space, Harris electrified the audience with a powerful performance of his song “Peace Be Still.” The energy was palpable, and the feedback from the audience was overwhelming, culminating in a standing ovation. The performance highlighted Jason’s ability to connect deeply with his audience, offering a moment of reflection and appreciation for “minding the noise” in our heads that resonated long after the music stopped.

Educating our Next Generation

Beyond the music, Jason’s true passion lies in empowering youth through his program, “Beat School with Mr. J”. This initiative, described as an eclectic mix of “Sofar Sounds, Timbaland’s Beat Club, and School of Rock,” teaches California children to use music as a form of self-expression and personal development. Harris helps kids “Beat the Odds, Beat the System, and Beat their Doubts and Fears,” all while learning to create the soundtrack of their lives.

Fluke Fluker of The Village Nation, featured on Oprah, shared his thoughts on Jason’s work: “It is refreshing to see Jason’s positive approach towards uplifting our youth through his God-given musical gifts. His authentic teaching style provides building blocks of integrity, discipline, and accountability that are transformational in the development process.

Jason D. Harris Beating the Odds to Beat School with Mr. J (2)
Photo Courtesy: Jason D. Harris

Since 2022, Harris has volunteered with The Village Nation, dedicating his time to more than 150 Black youth during an 8-day, culturally centered camping experience near Big Bear, CA. His passion for music and its kind-hearted, adventurous spirit have left an indelible mark on the students. “Jason’s love for his craft has moved our audience to both dance and cry tears of joy. His unwavering dedication is truly worthy of praise,” Fluker adds.

Giving Back for a Better Tomorrow

Jason’s “Buy a Hat, Donate a Class” initiative further exemplifies his commitment to empowering youth, with every hat sold funding a child’s access to “Beat School with Mr. J.” His mission is simple: help young people discover their unique musical voices and use them to build confidence and navigate life’s challenges.

As Jason D. Harris continues to release new music and expand Beat School, he remains dedicated to making a difference, both on and off the stage. His impact is far-reaching, touching not only listeners but also future generations who learn to express themselves through the art of music. As Fluke Fluker aptly puts it, “The Village Nation applauds Jason ‘Mind of The Noise’ Harris for his unwavering dedication to serving our community through musical art and a heart of compassion.” His plans for the future are to take “Beat School with Mr. J” worldwide, while building it one school at a time, within the Los Angeles school districts. 

To support Jason D. Harris please visit his site: and download streams on Spotify, buy a hat for charity, or check out  “Beat School with Mr. J!”

Published by: Holy Minoza

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