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Melanie Francesca is a name that resonates with both innovation and artistic depth. From her early career as a former model to her growth as a prominent author and visual artist, Melanie’s journey reflects the power of creativity and the pursuit of truth.

Melanie’s journey began with “The Meat of the Moon,” which accelerated her into the literary spotlight. The novel contained notoriety and acclaim, introducing readers to her unique voice and storytelling abilities. It was only the beginning of a career that further unfolded across various artistic platforms.

Nanda Pivano, a famous Italian translator and a critic of Hemingway, recognized Melanie’s exceptional talent from the start. In those early days, Pivano saw Melanie Francesca as a refreshing surprise, noting the genuine interest in her work. The connection between Melanie’s writing and the action-packed themes of her novels was apparent. Pivano’s belief in Melanie’s potential described her as a contradictory yet captivating figure – a blend of sparkly Barbie aesthetics and revolutionary spirit.


Melanie Francesca narrative skills extended beyond literary. Melanie’s life moved further as a tale in itself – a frequent traveler who modeled in Paris, an adventurer in the Middle East, and a radio artist who also participated in television commentary. Her presence on major Italian circuits, such as RAI and Mediaset, solidified her as a commentator and columnist.

One can’t overlook the connection Melanie shares with the literary giant Hemingway. Both are characterized by their dynamic writing styles that pull readers into action. The influence of Hemingway’s approach on Melanie’s work is clear—proof of the impact of literary greats.

Melanie Francesca’s journey took a new turn as she tied the knot with an Emirati man, reshaping her life around family and motherhood. Balancing the roles of a mother, wife, and artist, Melanie found solace in her family while never letting go of her artistic pursuits. Dubai and Abu Dhabi became her new canvases, and she embraced motherhood with the same interest that characterized her earlier pursuits.

Melanie’s evolution as an artist shows her commitment to spiritual growth, beauty, and harmony. Her art exhibitions across Europe and the Middle East, including “The Box” installation, reflect her ability to blend technical skill with a touch of philosophical depth.


That’s why Melanie Francesca’s impact stretches far beyond her novels. Her creations have graced galleries across Europe and the Middle East, leaving a prominent mark on the art scene. “The Box,” an epic installation exhibited in Dubai, shows classical mythology with modern-day understanding. This structure invites visitors on an intimate journey through human history, showcasing Melanie’s ability to “fuse technical expertise with her unique form of prayer to the world,” as stated by the minister of Culture of the United Arab Emirates. Renowned art historians, philosophers, and cultural figures have loved her work as an example of modernity and exploration. Maria Rita Parsi, the great Italian psychologue, describes in Melanie Francesca: “An author capable of making the imagination gallop a thousand, without borders. Melanie Francesca is a surprise, above all and first of all, for her extraordinary ability, melodiously and dreamily expressed, to build emotional scenarios that are rooted in every myth and every time. A female James Joyce to sip to open the doors beyond our unconscious.”

For the famous art historian and Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Culture Vittorio Sgarbi, “Melanie’s language of poetry follows the line of sacred texts, prophets, the Divine Comedy, and the great symbolist poetry like Rimbaud and Baudelaire, that inaugurates modern lyric poetry. If not everything is understood, it may still be enough for it to be perceived; the important thing is that the solemn and the cryptic leave the listener with a clear and profound sign inside.”

From evoking sacred texts to spreading the symbolism of great poets, Melanie’s writing complies with those who seek a deeper connection to the human experience.

Melanie’s journey is an inspiring reminder that art, in all its forms, has the power to touch souls, challenge conventions, and provoke thought. As Francesco Aberoni, famous Italian sociologue, wrote in the preface of Il Maestro, Rizzoli: “Melanie Francesca reminds us that contrasts, light and shade and contradictions are part of the fabric of our lives, that beauty shines forth, emerging from the darkness, and that it is within all this richness that the strength and power of humanity lie. The artist has the courage to reflect on life with a forthright gaze and, not without a touch of shrewd irony, to open a window for all of us on these meditations, overcoming fears and prejudices, allowing herself to be carried away by her emotions and her desire to share what is an expression of her very being. From books to poetry to drawings, the art of Melanie Francesca is a pressing invitation to enjoy the experience and the many facets and shades that our world, today as in the past, has to offer us.” 


As she continues to enrich the cultural landscape with her words and artwork, Melanie stands as a living example of the beauty of creativity and the quest for truth in our ever-changing world. Her bright career as an artist, author, and visionary remains a light of hope for those who seek the power of art and self-discovery. It’s this blend of audacity and vulnerability that infuses Melanie’s 

work with a flavor. Nanda Pivano’s recognition of Melanie’s potential early in her career speaks volumes about the artist’s ability to go beyond the traditional norms. Melanie’s artistic movement appears as a phoenix rising from the ashes—an artist who, despite challenges, hits back stronger and more purposeful.

It is precisely on this path of search for the true, the beautiful, and the sacred that the novel The Angel, just translated by Europe Books, fits. To rise above the daily chaos to the orderly space of soul and love. The plot is indeed compelling: It’s Paris at the beginning of the 2000s. An angel falls in love with Dixi, a fragile girl who works as a model. 

The plot is indeed compelling: Born into a wealthy French family with bourgeois roots, Dixi has had to raise herself, a girl lost in a chaotic life with neither rules nor a future, and now at the mercy of a gypsy with whom she is hopelessly in love and who drags her down, playing with her feelings, into a series of dark events. The spirit, Alan, follows her everywhere until he reveals himself to her in the churches, where she finds refuge and comfort. “You have to observe yourself when you feel a painful emotion because that is the door to self-awareness,” says the angel to Dixi. Melanie Francesca helps readers to wear a pair of magical lenses to see the world from a spiritual point of view to solve the problems of our existence. 

Through this modern fairy tale, Melanie Francesca guides readers to contact themselves and their inner wounds. By solving things, they can change for the better. It’s an intense, passionate, sometimes carnal book that warns Dixi about her wrong choices, trying to make her understand the reasons for certain toxic addictions, the emotional ones, in honor of a healthier life. Melanie Francesca shares: “Through “The Angel,” we can find the keys to the alchemical transformation of heavy feelings into the gold of awareness.” 

As stated by Corriere della Sera, the most authoritative Italian newspaper, it is about: “An intimate story that does not debase itself with saccharine feelings and a glamorous cover. In today’s Paris, that is forever a timeless capital, with an angel that seems to have remained in a pre-enlightenment world. For Dixi, drawn of legend and of dream. Of life and the depths of souls that open wide to the breath of the world.”

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