California Gazette

Scotty Hollywood Band’s Single Human to Human: A Melodic Reminder of Human Connection

Scotty Hollywood Band's Single Human to Human: A Melodic Reminder of Human Connection
Photo Credit: Scotty Hollywood Band

By: Jeff Seaworth

In the age of digital permeation, where faceless communication has been normalized, the Scotty Hollywood Band breathes life into a refreshing perspective through its latest single, “Human to Human”. The song is a soft call for humanity to rekindle what technology and social media have often stolen away – genuine human interaction. It recalls simpler times when our connectedness wasn’t measured by likes and followers but rooted in real, face-to-face conversation.

Scotty Hollywood’s voice, endearingly relatable, serenades listeners with a blend of classic singer-songwriter vibes beautifully infused with the dreamy soundscapes reminiscent of artists like Chris Isaak. This blend creates an addictive and emotionally resonant experience in “Human to Human,” calling out the gulf our technological world continues to widen.

The moving music video that accompanies the song portrays starkly the societal issues we face. It echoes the disconnect that rampant social media obsession and digital isolation propagate and implies the consequences such as rising homelessness, heated online disputes, crumbling relationships and looming wars. It isn’t a criticism as much as it is a call out, an appeal for balance and empathy.

The Scotty Hollywood Band is revered for their lively performances and heart-tugging vocals. Their highly awaited single, “Human to Human,” extracted from their acclaimed album, “Wondervu,” is yet another testament to their prowess. Embodying the scintillating mix of rock and pop, the song enthralls with catchy rhythms and poignant lyrics. Produced in collaboration with Shane Lamb in Nashville and recorded by the lead singer, Scott Argiro himself, the track has been adeptly mixed by Jesse O’Brien and mastered by Paul Abbott at ZenMastering.

The music video directed by Elgin Cahill lures watchers in with the sheer authenticity that the Scotty Hollywood Band exudes during their live acts. Fans can imbibe the essence of the song and relish the band’s captivating performance by visiting their official YouTube channel.

Their dynamic rhythm sections, soothingly harmonious melodies, and meaningful lyrics have endeared them to their fans. The band’s release of “Human to Human” closely follows their triumphant album “Wondervu,” which further solidifies their passion for creating music that strikes a chord with listeners. A combination of musical dexterity, stage charisma, and wit make the Scotty Hollywood Band an act that music enthusiasts shouldn’t miss.

Scotty’s creative spectrum isn’t confined to music. He has explored acting, featuring in TV commercials, independent films, and even indulging in a Ridley Scott enterprise. This mix of talents adds another dimension to his vibrant performances and inventive pursuits.

Scott Argiro, the lead vocalist, sums up the message the band wants to impart through “Human to Human” beautifully. He says, “Human to Human” is a reminder of the power of human connection and the importance of physical presence in a digitally-dominated world.”

You can download or stream “Human to Human” on all major music platforms and stay updated with the band’s touring schedules. For more on the Scotty Hollywood Band, visit their website

Their music isn’t merely just harmonious sound; it’s a poetic reminder of our shared humanity, suggesting that perhaps the march of progress can be paced to appreciate the simpler times of deep human connection. For isn’t that what music is at the core – a universally shared connection, human to human? With their latest release, the Scotty Hollywood Band invites listeners to remember and reclaim that fulfilling connection.

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